First ever 4th-6th grade GT Summit
Halloween week promised more than just costumes and candy. On Tuesday of Halloween week, 4th-6th grade gifted students from Naturita, Norwood, and Ridgway converged at Naturita Elementary School for a morning of learning and collaboration.
Many gifted students in small, rural areas find themselves to be the only identified student in their grade level - possible in their entire school! Our area coordinators wanted to create a Summit that would bring these students together several times a year to work alongside others like them. Our first Summit brought together nine students. We began with a get-to-know-you activity, followed by a group activity where we looked at giftedness from different perspectives. After a quick snack, we dove into the featured activity - a break-out box which required flexible thinking and collaboration to solve. Although neither of the groups solved the puzzles in the 45 minute time frame, given extended time, all were successful.
All of the students left the Summit with new friends and the knowledge that they are not alone in this world of giftedness. Our next event will be held in January at Ridgway Elementary School. A huge thank-you goes out to Naturita Elementary School for being the brave host of our first event.

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